Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cult of Personality

Cult of Personality 

Mao succeeded in establishing a wide-reaching Cult of Personality in which he portrayed himself as infallible, the benevolent source of all good things in China, even a floating head. Though Communism officially rejects Religions, Mao was as close to deity as one could get. His unwavering authority was supported by terror, surveillance, and massive propaganda campaigns. However, there was a basis in genuine popularity. Mao was a champion of the poor, China's largest demographic, and maintained that support throughout his rule. After his death, reforms were made to deconstruct his cult status.

Mao Propaganda Spam:

Mao Zedong ( Mao Tse Tung ) . Propaganda poster commemorating Maos victory over Chiang Kai shek during the Chinese Civil War . Mao : Chairman of the Communist Party of China and first chairman of the Peoples Republic China , 26 December 1893– 9 September 1976 . stock photo

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